Primary schools & puppies: our work for Amesbury CE Primary School and Garston Veterinary Group

Posted on: November 28, 2017

In our recent posts, we’ve mentioned our summertime binge on school signs in Wiltshire. And although summer now seems ages ago, we can’t finish our ‘school series’ without proudly showing you our work for Amesbury CE Primary School:

We used steel lettering for the main building sign — as you can see, even on a dull day, they look attractive. We also supplied information signs for roadside and walls. The school’s use of photographs in their design really adds personality and a friendly, human feel. Let us know what you think of them!

If your school is looking to refresh signage, please get in touch with our team.

Garston Veterinary Group

Looking back at our recent posts, you might get the impression that all we do are school signs. Far from it. Here’s a little project we carried out around the same time for the good people at Garston Veterinary Group. They needed something suitably noticeable and cheerful for their pet drinking station. Here’s what we came up with:

mirage signs drinking station

 Whether your business involves dehydrated dogs or peckish people, pulling pints or building boats, we provide smart, durable signs — talk to our team today.


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